SparkFun MicroMod Environmental Function Board SEN-18632
The SparkFun MicroMod Environmental Function Board adds additional sensing options to the MicroMod Processor Boards. This Function Board includes three sensors to monitor air quality(SGP40), humidity temperature(SHTC3), and CO2 concentrations(STC31)in your indoor environment. To make it even easier to use, all communication is over the MicroMod's I2C bus!1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Thing Plus - RP2040 DEV-17745
The SparkFun Thing Plus - RP2040 is a low-cost, high performance board with flexible digital interfaces featuring the Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 microcontroller. Besides the Thing Plus or1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Artemis Development Kit with Camera KIT-17071
The SparkFun Artemis Development Kit is the latest board to be released around the SparkFun Artemis Module and it allows access to more software development features than previous Artemis based boards. This Kit includes the SparkFun Artemis DK board as well as the accessories(Himax camera USB-C cable)needed to get started right away. Recommended software used to program the Artemis DK are the Arduino IDE, Arm®Mbed(TM)OS(Studio and CLI), and AmbiqSDK. An updated USB interface(MKL26Z128VFM4 Arm®Cortex®-M0+ MCU, from NXP)allows the Artemis Dev Kit to act as:Mass Storage Device(MSD):Used to provide drag and drop programming to the Artemis Module.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040 DEV-18288
The SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040 is a low-cost, high performance board with flexible digital interfaces featuring the Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 microcontroller. Besides the good 'ol Pro Micro footprint, the board also includes a WS2812B addressable LED, boot button, reset button, Qwiic connector, USB-C, resettable PTC fuse, and castellated pads.1種類の製品があります
Basys MX3 PIC32MX Trainer Board 410-336
The Basys MX3 is no longer in production. Once the current stock is depleted, it will be discontinued.The Basys MX3 is a true MCU trainer board designed from the ground up around teaching embedded systems. Featuring the PIC32MX370 from Microchip plus an exhaustive set of peripherals, students gain exposure to a wide range of embedded systems related concepts while using a professional grade tool set. Adoption is made easy by the accompanying free and open-source coursework, including 7 in-depth teaching units and 15 complete labs. The Basys MX3 is a versatile MCU trainer board ideal for teaching introductory embedded systems courses, or for any engineer looking to become familiar with PIC32 and Microchip toolsets.Also see our associated Basys MX3 Lab Bundle!1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Thing Plus - nRF9160 WRL-17354
SparkFun has teamed up with CircuitDojo to bring you the SparkFun nRF9160 Thing Plus, featuring the powerful Nordic nRF9160 microcontroller in a Feather-compatible footprint. This little chip is capable of both CAT M1 LTE and NB-IoT cellular communication and is designed to work with Zephyr, the go-to RTOS for embedded development. To make the Thing Plus even easier to use, this board utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system!1種類の製品があります
SparkFun QuickLogic Thing Plus - EOS S3 DEV-17273
The SparkFun QuickLogic Thing Plus EOS(TM)S3, is a small form factor system ideal for enabling the next generation of low-power Machine Learning(mL)devices. The QuickLogic Thing Plus is powered by QuickLogic's EOS S3, the first eFPGA-enabled Arm Cortex(C)-M4F MCU to be fully supported with Zephyr RTOS and FreeRTOS. Unlike other development boards which are based on proprietary hardware and software tools, the QuickLogic Things Plus is based on 100% open source hardware, compatible with the Feather form factor, and is built around 100% open source software(with support for FreeRTOS, Zephyr, nMingen, Docker, and SymbiFlow).1種類の製品があります
SparkFun RTK Express GPS-18442
The SparkFun RTK Express is an easy to use GNSS receiver for centimeter-level positioning. Perfect for surveying, logging, and all types of post processing, this preprogrammed device can also be used for autonomous driving, navigation, asset tracking and any other application where there is a clear view of the sky. The RTK Express can also be used as a base station. With the press of a button, two RTK Expresses can be used to create an RTK system capable of 14mm horizontal positional accuracy. The built-in Bluetooth®connection via an ESP32 WROOM enables the user to use the RTK Express with their choice of GIS application on a phone or tablet. The built in battery allows for over five hours of field use and is compatible with common USB battery banks.1種類の製品があります
ARGOS Satellite Transceiver Shield - ARTIC R2 SPX-17236
Is your project linked to environmental protection, awareness or study, or to protecting human life? Perhaps you are developing a wildlife tracker, ocean buoy, environmental monitoring system or need to transfer emergency medical information? Do you need to be able to transmit and receive data1種類の製品があります
smol Power Board LiPo SPX-18622
Our RedBoards are great. But don't they sometimes seem a little1種類の製品があります
M5Stack Tough ESP32 IoT開発キット M5STACK-K034
Wi-Fi/Bluetoothデュアルモードを利用可能なEspressif ESP32チップセットを搭載した、M5Stackの防水型組込みコントローラです。屋外での設置に向けて設計されたIoT開発キットで、耐久性のある筐体に防水型M12コネクタを接続できます。1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Environmental Sensor Breakout - BME680 (Qwiic) SEN-16466
The SparkFun BME680 Environmental Sensor is a breakout that combines a gas sensor with temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensing for a complete environmental sensor in a single package. The gas sensor on the BME680 can detect a wide variety of volatile organic compounds(or VOC for short)to monitor indoor air quality. Combine that with precise temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure and the BME680 can work as a completely standalone environmental sensor all in a 1in.×1in. breakout!1種類の製品があります
Arduino Uno アルデュイーノ A000066
SparkFun RTK Surveyor GPS-18443
The SparkFun RTK Surveyor is an easy to use GNSS receiver for centimeter-level positioning. Perfect for surveying, this preprogrammed device can also be used for autonomous driving, navigation, asset tracking and any other application where there is a clear view of the sky. The RTK Surveyor can also be used as a base station. With the flick of a switch, two RTK Surveyors can be used to create an RTK system capable of 14mm horizontal positional accuracy. The built-in Bluetooth®connection via an ESP32 WROOM enables the user to use the RTK Surveyor with their choice of GIS application on a phone or tablet. The built in battery allows field use for up to four hours and is compatible with common USB battery banks.1種類の製品があります
smol Power Board AAA SPX-18621
Our RedBoards are great. But don't they sometimes seem a little1種類の製品があります
SparkFun GPS Breakout - Chip Antenna, SAM-M8Q (Qwiic) GPS-15210
The SparkFun SAM-M8Q GPS Breakout is a high quality GPS board with equally impressive configuration options. The SAM-M8Q is a 72-channel GNSS receiver, meaning it can receive signals from the GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo constellations. This increases precision and decreases lock time and thanks to the onboard rechargable battery, you'll have backup power enabling the GPS to get a hot lock within seconds! Additionally, this u-blox receiver supports I2C(u-blox calls this Display Data Channel)which made it perfect for the Qwiic compatibility so we don't have to use up our precious UART ports. Utilizing our handy Qwiic system, no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1"-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun RTK Express Plus GPS-18590
The SparkFun RTK Express Plus is an easy to use GNSS receiver for centimeter-level positioning. Perfect for surveying, autonomous vehicles, logging, and all types of post processing, this preprogrammed device can also be used for autonomous driving, navigation, asset tracking and any other application where there is a clear view of the sky. The RTK Express Plus adds an internal IMU to combine real-time GNSS tracking with advanced sensor fusion. The result is accurate positioning even when GNSS is lost in tunnels, parking garages, etc. Out of the box an RTK Express Plus can be used with a correction source to create an RTK system capable of 14mm horizontal positional accuracy. The built-in Bluetooth®connection via an ESP32 WROOM enables the user to use the RTK Express Plus with their choice of GIS application on a phone or tablet. The built in battery allows for over five hours of field use and is compatible with common USB battery banks.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Thing Plus - STM32 DEV-17712
With a 32-bit ARM®Cortex®-M4 RISC core, the SparkFun STM32 Thing Plus brings power and precision to your projects. The STM32 Thing Plus provides you with an economical and easy to use development platform if you're needing more power with a minimal working space. This Thing comes flashed with the DFU bootloader, and to make the Thing Plus even easier to use, we've moved a few pins around to make the board Feather compatible. In addition, it utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system!1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Cryptographic Co-Processor Breakout - ATECC608A (Qwiic) DEV-18077
Product Restrictions:To access certain features of the ATECC608A, users will need to contact Microchip and sign an NDA contract to obtain the complete datasheet. Due to the required NDA - technical support, an Arduino library, and hookup guide are not provided for users on this product.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P (Qwiic) GPS-15136
With GPS you are able to know where you are, where you're going, and how to get there anywhere on Earth within 30 seconds. This means the higher the accuracy the better! GPS Real Time Kinematics(RTK)has mastered dialing in the accuracy on their GPS modules to to just millimeters, and that's why we had to put it on this board!1種類の製品があります
SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor - TMP117 (Qwiic) SEN-15805
The SparkFun Qwiic TMP117 breakout is a high precision temperature sensor equipped with an I2C interface. It outputs temperature readings with high precision of ±0.1℃ across the temperature range of -20℃ to +50℃s with no calibration and a maximum range from -55℃ to 150℃. The SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor also has a very low power consumption rate which minimizes the impact of self-heating on measurement accuracy. Utilizing our handy Qwiic system, no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1"-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.1種類の製品があります
ロボット製作キット WRシリーズ
4-188-01, 4-188-02, 4-188-03 他
SparkFun MicroMod Asset Tracker Carrier Board DEV-17272
Note - Please read before purchasing!:The MicroMod Asset Tracker uses the "00B" product version of the SARA-R5 module(specifically the SARA-R510M8S-00B-00). LTE NB-IoT Radio Access Technology, and the LTE FDD bands:66, 71, 85 are not supported by this version. Refer to the SARA-R5 datasheet for more information.1種類の製品があります
フラッシュメモリプログラマ FL-PR6
SparkFun 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Backlight (Qwiic) LCD-16396
The SparkFun SerLCD is an AVR-based, serial enabled LCD that provides a simple and cost effective solution for adding a 16x2 Black on RGB Liquid Crystal Display into your project. We've seriously overhauled the PCB design on the back of the screen by including an ATmega328P that handles all of the screen control, meaning a backpack is no longer needed! This display can now communicate in three different ways:serial, I2C, and SPI. This version comes equipped with a Qwiic connector, bringing serial LCDs into the Qwiic ecosystem. This simplifies the number of wires needed and allows your project to display all kinds of text and numbers.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun MicroMod STM32 Processor DEV-17713
The SparkFun MicroMod STM32 Processor Board is ready to rock your MicroMod world with its ARM®Cortex®-M4 32-bit RISC core! This little Processor Board provides you with an economical and easy to use development platform if you're needing more power with minimal working space. With the M.2 MicroMod connector, connecting your STM32 Processor is a breeze. Simply match up the key on your processor's beveled edge connector to the key on the M.2 connector and secure it with a screw(included with all Carrier Boards). The STM32 is one of the most powerful and economical microcontrollers available so to be able to add it to your MicroMod Carrier Board is a huge advantage for your project!1種類の製品があります
Sidekick Basic Kit for TI LaunchPad 106060002
Sidekick is a collection of popular components for DIY projects. It is easy to create custom breadboard circuits that can interface with a development kit. This is an excellent starter kit for new electronics engineers and makers.
This kit is fully compatible with all TI LaunchPads. The following examples are based on LaunchPads that support Energia software. If you are using any of the LaunchPad kits、the examples should be the same or involve minor pin configuration changes.1種類の製品があります
SparkFun Qwiic Quad Relay COM-16566
The SparkFun Qwiic Quad Relay is a unique power accessory board that has been designed for switching not one but four high powered devices from your Arduino or another low powered microcontroller using I2C. Taking a look at the board, the Quad Relay has four individual relays rated up to 5 Amps per channel at 250VAC or 30VDC. Each channel also has its own uniquely colored LED, silk for easy identification, and screw terminals for optional connection. Utilizing our handy Qwiic system, no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system!1種類の製品があります
超高精度水晶式時刻送信機 P18-NTPSA