67-5074-98 Einstein Equations: Local Energy, Self-Force, and Fields in General Relativity 978-3-031-21844-6
- 商品名:Einstein Equations: Local Energy , Self-Force , and Fields in General Relativity
- サブタイトル:Domoschool 2019
- 編者:Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi/Kamenshchik, Alexander
- 叢書名:Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
- 装丁:Hard
- 頁数他:X, 258 p. 33 illus., 27 illus. in color.
- 発行日:2023/03/16
- 分類:一般相対性理論
- サブタイトル:Domoschool 2019
- 編者:Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi/Kamenshchik, Alexander
- 叢書名:Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
- 装丁:Hard
- 頁数他:X, 258 p. 33 illus., 27 illus. in color.
- 発行日:2023/03/16
- 分類:一般相対性理論