67-5018-76 The Mathematical Analysis of the Incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations 978-1-4704-7178-1
[(publisher) American Mathematical Society]
- 商品名:The Mathematical Analysis of the Incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations
- サブタイトル:An Introduction
- 著者:Bedrossian, Jacob/Vicol, Vlad
- 叢書名:Graduate Studies in Mathematics
- Vol. 225
- 装丁:Paper
- 頁数他:218 p.
- 発行日:2022/12/25
- 分類:偏微分方程式
- サブタイトル:An Introduction
- 著者:Bedrossian, Jacob/Vicol, Vlad
- 叢書名:Graduate Studies in Mathematics
- Vol. 225
- 装丁:Paper
- 頁数他:218 p.
- 発行日:2022/12/25
- 分類:偏微分方程式