67-4959-44 Past, Present and Future Challenges of Biosensors and Bioanalytical Tools in Analytical Chemistry 978-0-444-63946-2
- 商品名:Past , Present and Future Challenges of Biosensors and Bioanalytical Tools in Analytical Chemistry
- サブタイトル:A Tribute to Professor Marco Mascini
- 編者:Palchetti, Ilaria/Hansen, Peter-Diedrich/Barcelo, Damia
- 叢書名:Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
- Vol. 77
- 装丁:Hard
- 頁数他:456 p.
- 発行日:2017/09/15
- 分類:バイオセンサー
- サブタイトル:A Tribute to Professor Marco Mascini
- 編者:Palchetti, Ilaria/Hansen, Peter-Diedrich/Barcelo, Damia
- 叢書名:Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
- Vol. 77
- 装丁:Hard
- 頁数他:456 p.
- 発行日:2017/09/15
- 分類:バイオセンサー